Thursday, June 5

The Washington Dulles airport (IAD) isn't a bad airport. The problem is that they have this messed up transit system between terminals. Most airports these days have some kind of tram that shuttles people back and forth in a matter of seconds. Dulles has these crazy buses on hydraulics. They drive up to the terminal and then jack themselves up until they're at the right docking height and then the doors open and you walk into the building. They're quite inefficient, but the thing that bothers me is the interior of the buses, or "portable lounges" as the tape recorded host calls them. Rather than just being wide open and making everybody stand for a few minutes, they are lined with benches. A nice thought, but during busy times when they're full, you've always got several jerks on there who not only sit, but take up four more seats with all their luggage. So everybody else is forced to stand with 6 people clinging to one pole while one lady spreads her bags out over half the car. It's just not right, I tell you. It's just not right.


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