Wednesday, February 18

"Spandex is a privilege, not a right." That's what a friend once told me. And I'm inclined to agree. But even those who have earned the privilege can abuse it. For over a year now, I have watched in horror as a man at my gym insists on exercising in spandex. If it were just spandex shorts and an untucked t-shirt, I might be able to get over it, but he insists on tucking his barely-there muscle shirts into indecently short spandex shorts. Now the guy is very fit, but the outfits are so ridiculous that he looks like a total boob anyway. The shorts are so tight you can actually see the seams straining, hanging on for dear life. Spandex, by it's very nature, is a clingy fabric, therefore buying clothes two sizes too small is not necessary to achieve a slim-fitting look. This guy obviously does not have a woman, because no self-respecting woman would ever let her man out of the house looking like that.


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