Monday, February 16

It never ceases to creep me out how often Beth and I are on the same wavelength. Not only do we both love the same Bob Dylan albums, but I just found out we both spent our weekend mesmerized by TCM's "31 Days of Oscar". This is just ridiculous.

Anyway, this delightful series on TCM has finally afforded me the opportunity to see the classic film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. And I totally loved it. But then again, I usually enjoy movies and music that have the potential to make waves as this film did. And as much as they tried to paint Spencer Tracy's character as hard-headed and old-fashioned, I have to sympathize with him. Who would want their daughter to come waltzing in and say, "Guess what, Dad? I'm getting a few a guy you've never met...and he's black...and his parents are coming over for dinner tonight." I'm surprised he didn't have a coronary right there on the spot.

It was for similar reasons that I fell for Victor/Victoria. I can see how this film would have ruffled a few feathers in its day. I loved how it brought a different perspective to gender roles. I've never been a big Julie Andrews fan, but she was great in that role. The way the film turned the tables on gender roles and cultural conventions is delightful.


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