Wednesday, August 6

Monday night was concert # 4 for the summer, Counting Crows. Well, actually Counting Crows and John Mayer because they were co-headlining. But that was exactly the problem: too much John Mayer and too little Counting Crows. But more on that later.

Monday night being the first time I’d ever seen the Counting Crows, I wasn’t sure quite what to expect. But I had no reason to worry. They put on a great performance and played lots of their “old stuff” from August and Everything After, definitely their best album. I really enjoyed Adam Duritz’s performance. I had expected to be slightly annoyed by his presentation (I mean really, who likes the whiny “I need a raincoat” bit in “Raining in Baltimore”?), but he sang well without going overboard and with minimal chit-chat. Concert highlight? I’d have to say “Round Here” intertwined with Bob Dylan’s “Girl from the North Country”. Gorgeous. Second place goes to Charlie Gillingham on accordion in “Omaha” and “Long December”. Worst part? The short, hour-long set. The band and the crowd were just getting warmed up and it was quitting time.

After Counting Crows came the guy all the shrieking, tube-top wearing, high school girls came to see: John Mayer. Now I know a lot of people who love this guy so I will refrain from totally blasting him. He is a talented musician and a very good performer. He has a gift for writing catchy guitar riffs and melodies and can solo respectably. He’s also an expressive singer. However, his lyrics blow chunks, or at least make me want to. “[You’ve got] one pair of candy lips and a bubblegum tongue”? Yikes. You may be able to sell that stuff at Hallmark, but not here. On the positive side, after listening to Mayer, Bob Dylan should sound more amazing than ever when I see him on Friday. Mayer wins points for being an engaging performer, but loses them all and then some for not having the humility to admit he needs help and enlist some assistance in the songwriting department. I’m sure his idol and buddy Elton John would be willing to lend a hand. But I digress. For those of you out there who like Mayer's music, you will thoroughly enjoy seeing him in concert. Concert highlight? The dude a couple of sections over from me who was standing up by himself, belting out “Come Back to Bed” with enough vein-popping intensity to give R. Kelly a run for his money. He even removed his shirt for…well…I don’t know what for, but it was enough to get me chuckling all over again. Second place? The completely baffled expressions from previously mentioned shrieking girls as my sister and I walked out during crowd favorite “Your Body Is a Wonderland”. Priceless. Worst part? “Your Body Is a Wonderland”.

Concert #5 is tonight.


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