Friday, December 27

Yesterday was a classic Sara episode. I stopped at a Meijer (TM) gas station to fill up and get some coffee before I hit the road on my 400-mile journey back to PA. I bought a caramel cappuccino and when I got back to the car, I set it on top of the car while I took off my coat to prepare for the long ride. Well we all know where this story is going. I hopped in the car and took off. As I was pulling out onto the road, I thought, "Where's my coffee?....Uh oh." Just as I realized what I'd done, I saw my nice, warm caramel cappuccino go tumbling off the back of my car. I was too mad at myself to stop and survey the damages. Watching the brown liquid trickle down my rear window was punishment enough. But when I did stop to fill up later on, I was not disappointed. The whole roof my little white car was spattered with coffee-colored stickiness and the trunk and one side of the car has also been painted with the stuff. I had no idea that 16 oz. of cappuccino could nearly coat a compact car. How come paint never goes that far?


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