Thursday, October 31

I must admit that Halloween is pretty sweet as far as holidays go. Crazy costumes, scary movies, candy, all good stuff. It sure beats Valentines Day. That's for sure. Coming up with an interesting costume can be tough, though. After much thought and a brief consultation with my brother I've decided to break out the black clothes and ski mask and go as Invisible Pedestrian. Kids, don't try this at home.

Wednesday, October 30

I firmly believe that everyone should be forced to move every few years. It's amazing the things you uncover. Eventually there comes a time when one must say goodbye to the crusty retainer, the Tiffany tapes, the superball collection, or whatever useless crap hides in the back of the closet.

Tuesday, October 29

Beginnings are never easy. Grabbing the interest of the audience is no simple task. So as I prepare to dive into the perennially cloud-covered adventure they call "Western Pennsylvania", I'm struggling with just the right words to lure my friends and family to stop by and electronically visit me and so shorten the distance between us... Nope, nothing good coming yet. I guess there's always good, old-fashioned guilt...