Thursday, February 6

I must say that my experience so far in my new hometown of Butler, PA has been rather interesting. The place has it's own unique culture that I'm still adjusting to. One of the stranger phenomena around here is the pedestrian crossing bell. You see, in "downtown" Butler, there is a period of time in the traffic signal pattern during which all lights turn red, a bell dings, and pedestrians are given free reign on the intersection, crossing in whichever way they please. I find this strange custom both frustrating and amusing. Frustrating when driving because the prolonged red lights mean it often takes up to 10 minutes to get through the half-mile stretch that is considered "downtown". And amusing because the locals adhere so rigidly to the bell. Often there is little or no traffic, but they will still sit and wait patiently, not stepping from the curb until the bell has chimed. Now I don't consider myself highly "urbanized", able to dodge traffice like a NYC native, but when there is no traffic, I will cross the street. It's the logical thing to do. Besides, I love to see the look of horror on the faces of the well-trained Butlerites as I defiantly stoll across the street without waiting for the hallowed bell. Breakin' the law...breakin' the law...


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