
Love letters, constructive criticism, and other friendly correspondence.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

More on music from Leta:

Sara, I think I've found it...the worst song ever! I was driving home from work the other night and "Sister Christian" by Night Ranger came on the radio. I don't think it gets much worse than this song.

For the life of me I can't figure out what this song is about. I even looked up the lyrics online and I am still dumbfounded. "And you know that you're the only one to say...O.K." What does that mean?? How ridiculous! It doesn't mean anything. I say "ok" probably around 7,000 time each day. The inflection in the singer's voice would lead you to believe that he is singing about something deep and profound.

And who is Night Ranger anyway? Were they a one hit wonder band? Are they in some way connected to Night Rider?? Now that was a great show.

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