
Love letters, constructive criticism, and other friendly correspondence.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

More food talk. This time about that irresistible Secretary's Day cake:

Christy: mmpffffff....frosting....becoming....too....intense!
Sara: quick! somebody get that girl an insulin shot!...stat!
Christy: don't worry. those explosions you hear aren't terrorist attacks. it's just me, banging my head against the computer screen in a sugar-induced seizure.
Sara: good luck with that. just send me a frantic IM if you start swallowing your tongue or something.
Christy: it's okay. i'm over that now. i've now headed into an extreme low. i can't keep my head from rolling forward onto my keyboard, and i'm having odd suicidal thoughts.
Christy: darn secretary cake. :)
Sara: yeah, i'm really regretting that. why can't i just say 'no'? nancy regean is probably shaking her head right now.
Christy: for me, it's the free factor. it's there, and it's the hugest cake i've ever seen, and it's totally free. if they were asking 50 cents, 25 cents, even 10 cents a piece, i'd be like "no thanks, i'm not in the cake mood."
Sara: i'm with you. it's a definite weakness. thank goodness they're not running around offering free scoops of lard. i might be dead by now.
Christy: get your crisco here! 2-gallon jugs of crisco here for the taking!
Sara: ooh! where?!
Mirm and I discuss catered lunches and the ever-important meat/bread ratio:

Mirm: ...I often find sandwiches dry sometimes at catered events
Sara: these were. and no condiments were offered. i could have gone for some mustard or mayo.
Mirm: yelch...
Sara: "yelch" no condiments or "yelch" mustard & mayo?
Mirm: well technically, yelch to all three! :-)
Sara: :) what's your condiment of choice then?
Mirm: nothing
Mirm: makes sense huh?
Mirm: as i talk about dry sandwiches
Sara: :) so what would you suggest to juice up a sandwich. spreadable cheese? slimy meat? more tomato?
Mirm: hold the tomato please...
Mirm: hmm...nothing really
Mirm: thinking about what i get on my subway sandwiches & I usually get nothing
Sara: no dressing either, eh?
Mirm: nope...plain, like me
Sara: i can see where bread would make a big difference then, when you're taking a sandwich dry. moist bread would be key. and meat/bread ratio takes on greater importance as well.
Mirm: yes it does
Sara: subway does do a good job of loading their sandwiches up with meat.
Mirm: hmm...sometimes
Sara: not always? don't their sandwiches always have the same amount of meat? i thought they had the whole process pretty standardized.
Mirm: yeah...i guess i like lots of meat though
Sara: :) don't we all....
Mirm: hehe

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