
Love letters, constructive criticism, and other friendly correspondence.

Friday, December 12, 2003

IM about Bon Aire Bowl:

Sara: yo! haven't IMed you in a while.... interested in bowling tonight? a few of us are headed to the reputable Bon Aire Bowl.

Christy: what time are you going? i have to run out and find a skirt for tomorrow night...but I guess I can do that tomorrow, too.

Sara: yeah, i have to shop for tomorrow night too... i'm guessing we probably won't head over there til 9ish. that's when things really get hopping. :) there should be enough belt buckles around the place to melt down and form into a nice little japanese automobile.

Christy: woohoo! that actually sounds really fun. i'd love to go. should i walk in with a cube of michelob light on my shoulder? :)

Sara: uh no. proper ettiquite would be to walk in with one on each shoulder.

Christy: crap. you're right. i'm so glad you warned me. everyone would have turned around and stared at me and laughed. that would have been embarrassing. i've got to make sure to to spray my bangs 5 inches high instead of the original 3 inches that i had planned, too. :)

Sara: that's right. hey, wait a minute! you sound like a regular! hey, i might need your help with my special night-on-the-town jeans. i usually have to lay on the bed while somebody else gets out the pliers and helps me zip them up.

Christy: no no. you're going about it all wrong. the secret to putting them on without help is Crisco. just slather a few tablespoons of the lard on your thighs, and even the tightest night-on-the-town jeans slide right on.


Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Leta offers some advice to help me get more mileage out of my cashew dinner:

While cashews may not make a very satisfying dinner, peanut butter is the ultimate meal-making food. If you added a scoop of peanut butter to your cashews...wah la! you have a meal!

Ah, I'd forgotten Leta's theory that peanut butter is the magic ingredient that automatically upgrades any food from snack- to meal-class.

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