
Love letters, constructive criticism, and other friendly correspondence.

Friday, September 26, 2003

The latest health news from Mom:

Well, I made it through my sigmoidoscopy today! After laxatives and 2 gallons of fluids last night and this morning I now feel like a dried up prune. Boy, it messes up the system for awhile. I guess it's a good thing I had it - he found an abnormal polyp so now I wil have to go through all this again before a colonoscopy. So lots to look forward to again.

Well, have a good day!...........Lots of love, Mom

If you know my mother, congratulate her on her successful sigmoidoscopy.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

A running IM commentary on overenthusiastic servers:

Christy: what's the deal with these places that have overly-enthusiastic servers? whatever happened to the silent black tuxedo and white waistcloth man who inconspicuously whisked dishes out from under a man gazing into his date's eyes?
i can see, maybe restaurants keeping a few camp-counselor-type servers for people who come to restaurants alone...alone and looking for friends...but for the rest of us social eaters, give us the quiet servant-like ones. i agree.

Sara: I'm glad I could get an "amen" on that one. :) Give us servers who do their job quietly and inconspicuously!

Christy: no pieces of flair either. just good, modest, humble folk, not trying to attract attention.

Sara: exactly! if i wanted a spectacle, i'd go to chuck e. cheese.

Christy: yeah, if they're going to train their servers to do all this "friendly" crap, they might as well dress them up in big furry animal costumes while they bring us our food. at least then they wouldn't have to look us in the eyes while they pretend to be our best friend for a whole hour.

Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Matt struggles through his first wrestling practice in who knows how long. Can you tell he's an engineer?

Believe it or not, I am still alive. We only went on a ~2 mile run. It was a reasonably fast paced run with numerous hills and whatnot, but I kept up with the main group. Others had to stop, but not me. I owe my sucess to my huge ass. Once I got it moving, I knew there was no stopping it. Ft=mv baby, oh yeah. -Matt

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

Finally, some news from my sister.

hey, kept on forgetting to tell you! you can get Saved By the Bell seasons 1 and 2 on DVD! next on this wish list is Fresh Prince of Bel Aire, or is that out already? either way, i need to own it! it would have helped in my english class today! we had to give a group 'presentation' about 2 families, o wait i already told you about his project anyways, yeah our speach went fine, but the requirements was it had to be 15-20 minutes long, and i don't think we had 10. yeah and the girl who was talking about Adam and Eve and fam probably talked for about 30 seconds, and all she was exactly word for word with no elaboration whatsoever of the points i had put down on the outline of our speach, a Fresh Prince clip would have been helpful to extend it. o well i dont' any of the groups yet have made 15 minutes so hopefully she'll realize that she was being retarded when she made time requirement that long. Fresh Prince is such a great show! its so funny, and it has better plots and actors than Saved By the Bell. i honestly didn't realize how bad to acting was till just a while ago,but that would be mainly b/c i hadn't watched the show since i was like 8 yrs old. it's too bad though i can never watch saved by the bell adn fresh prince on tv b/c im either at school or bball. o well, that's only one more reason to look forward to summer! anyways enjoy your week!

Leta discusses her battle with pink eye.

The pink eye seems to be all healed up, although I'm supposed to keep using these drops. I am getting tired of wearing my glasses. They don't stay on my nose very well. Pink eye is a very weird thing. It's like athlete's foot of the eye. I often think about that website where the guy purposely tried to get athlete's foot...I find that very disturbing. I also find it disturbing that I think about that website so often. Do you think I need professional help??

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