
Love letters, constructive criticism, and other friendly correspondence.

Tuesday, July 29, 2003

My harshest critic harps on the blog again and takes a chunk out of Calvin College softball camp while she's at it.

anyways...search engine on your website, not a bad idea...one suggestion though...put it on the top of the page on your blog or somewhere other than where it is now. it just kind of wastes like all of the left side of your blog page, not to mention it looks kinda bad. ok so yeah i know i said id lay off, but its just a little suggestion. ok yeah definitely don't want to go back to softball camp...i get there and there's all these puny (spl?) little sticks wearing next to my last definition of athletic apparel. i've gone to this camp many many years and so i went over to one of the coaches and asked if i signed up for the wrong camp, and i didn't. but i found out that they changed like the age groups of the camps and the camp im attending is for girls going into grades 7-10. i was rather upset. i mean i know i can work on my skills still even though i don't really have anyone to challenge me, but i mean im 4 yrs older than a bunch of those girls. i mean the talent level between a girl who is going to be going into middle school is slightly different than a girl who has already played a year of high school softball. im still perterbed and i wish i could get a refund for the camp and just not go for the rest of the week. but i know i should b/c it doesn't hurt and i need something to do anyways...but there is the positive that im outside so i get a little bit of a tan.


Monday, July 21, 2003

My sister disses the blog...and DMB:

ok sara after visiting mirm's blog yesterday i've come to the conclusion that hers well...beats the pants off of yours, i mean she's got upcoming events (which would be excellent for you b/c then your daily readers would know when you were gone adn understand that you are unable to update your website), i mean if i hadn't checked out mirm's site i wouldn't ahve even known that you are at cedar point. (tisk) she also has features such as moving pictures, other website and blogs she visits, by the way again w/o visiting mirm's site and noticing the DMB website on her blog to visit i wouldn't have even known that they were touring again, well and then being disappointed to find out that they aren't even coming near to 'the mitten'. i don't understand this, i mean they're taking their chances with SARS by playing on Toronto, but they won't make a little money off us Michiganers? i'm perplexed! anyways back to how mirm's site is so much better than yours...just kidding ill stop now before i degrade you and your blog any further.


Uh, thanks for the input, Abby. I will take your comments to heart and try to better my weblog. ...and I hope Dave Matthews took your e-mail to heart as well.

Wednesday, July 16, 2003

An update from my sister on driver's ed:

hey Sara, well i survived my 2nd drive on the road! i didn't kill anyone or anything! i have defeated 28th st and the expressway! my next challenge...downtown! i feel like on im on some sort of video/computer game comleting one level and then taking on a harder one each time with more things to get in my way. i think i might actually be starting to get comfortable driving. Abercrombie boy is better than me, but that's just as well since he will be driving a brand new Mustang when he gets his license. i think his parents are retarded, but apparently HIS older sister wasn't a bad driver (wink) (just kidding) (i hope you were able to laugh at that)


Wednesday, July 09, 2003

My friend Leta poses an interesting question about Boomer's computer adventures:

Do you think Boomer really thinks it's a "lab top" or was that just a typo?

Good question. As his friends know, anything's possible with Boom. But I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and call it a typo.
Boomer inches toward computer owership:

Hi Sara yesterday I just took a small step forward towards computer ownership. I put in a phone line, no a "cat 5" computer portal in my bedroom. Still deciding if I want a new one or a used one. I don't know if i will use it enough to warrant shelling out the big bucks on something that will be out of date as soon as I buy it. Funny thing about used computers though all you have to do mention that you are considering going used and everone seems a little too willing to help you out. I currently have one lab top one very old computer from check out at a retail store in my attic and offers for 2 more unwanted computer. I am thinking about running a computer shelter for unloved a neglected computers.

...and in a follow-up e-mail with the subject line "I forgot"...

Keep smiling,

The Boomer
My sister writes about her first day of driver's ed and some beginning lessons on male immaturity:

i just got back from driver's ed... i can tell that i will not be enjoying the 24 hrs of total time i will be spending in that overly air conditioned room sitting next to some stupid immature guy who is disgracingly the same age as me. o and even worse i found out my car (which i will ahve to drive everytime) and my partner (who i will drive with everytime) and my car is a minivan (the only minivan of all the cars) adn my partner is some stupid Abercrombie boy who is again disgraceingly my age and i saw him afterwards with a circle of girls surrounding him. he's not hot! o and he has his ear pierced i mean his left one but still i just think guys and ear piercing is gay regardless of waht ear it's in. yeah taht was definitely a little dissapointing, but i guess it'll all be worth it once it's all said and done.


Tuesday, July 08, 2003

An informative update from my brother....


I'm doing good.


Talk about reaching out and touching someone.
Boomer's Bits:

The "tookassis" was a more politically correct way of referncing our buttoxes I think it may have French orgins. Which reminds me of conversation I was engaged in with our dear friends Kevin and Kim over dinner last Saturday night. I was trying to be polite and considerate in my adjective usage in describing this bartender at Pete's and I said "you know she's shorter, with reddish brown hair a little attitude and a fuller chest" You can guess which adjective sparked debate,

Keep smiling,

The Boomer
Okay, as if I wasn't getting enough grief at work. Now my Mom's dishing it out too.

Hi Sara:

What a quick response! Are you just sitting there waiting for mail? Get a life!


Thanks, Mom. Love you too.
My sister's softball season has come to a close (sniff) :

im reporting to you about softball, well we won our pre district if you didn't already know, then we played today and won 6-1, and that put us in the district finals. before i tell you about that game a little side note about the previous game. ok well there was this one ball that was hit over my head and i dove to catch it, and i caught it, but when i hit the ground i landed directly on my bladder and i peed in my pants. like it wasn't a lot, just what leaked out when i hit the ground, but it really wasnt' cool. thankfully though i was wearing sliding shorts so none of it showed up on my pants, so i just told people that i nearly peed in my pants. o and another story from that game...ok it's like the bottom of the 6th i think and my team was up to bat and the bases were loaded i believe and there were two outs and i was up to bat. so the first pitch is a strike i just watched it b/c it wasn't worth swinging at b/c i knew i'd get a better one. the next pitch is straight at my head and i have to duck to the groudn to avoid getting hit. this sends one of the the Saranac parents (aka hicks) into a rucus he lets out a wahoo and says "way to go, you got her scared now!". moving on...next pitch, i swing, boo-yah! double baby! yeah standing on second base i jsut was thinking yeah she sure got me so scared i hit double! but anyways that hit sure felt good! ... moving on the final game.... [the pitcher] walks the first two batters, then our defense jsut absolutely breaks down and well uh i probably had as many errors that inning that i had the rest of season. yeah they scored 17 runs that inning. then we go up to bat and im the second batter ok so i go up to bat and i watch a strike b/c it jsut wasnt' what i liked, then i watched 3 straight balls, then i watch another strike b/c i still jsut didnt' like it all that much and i knew i could get a better pitch. but you see this umpire he got the count mixed up so after the 4th pitch he called 2-2. but i didnt hear this so the 2nd strike he called on me (5th pitch) so when i watched that strike two he said it was strike 3, and i think both of my coaches thought the umipre was right ...but all the parents noticed ...yeah so well the game ended up 18-2 (3 innings). and well lets just say i did a lot of crying this afternoon. but i did make all conference. and today in the first game i hit in 4 of the 6 and in the 2nd game i hit in 1 of the 2. yeah so today was a day of much up and down and yeah im definitely disappointed b/c this was really the only year i had a chance at winning districs. but life goes and i need to go get ready for bible study. but ill talk to ya later.


Congrats on a great season, Abby! And thanks for all the play-by-play e-mails. It was almost like I was there.
The latest from Byron Center Boomer:

Jer, Andy and myself were talking about a few changes we would make if we were president. Some of them I can't mention but this garnered a considerable amount of conversation tell me what you think. First of all we would move Memorial Day back a few weeks so us northern folks could actually have some summer recreation instead of being huddled around the stove trying to keep our tookassis warm and dry. Like wise we would push Labor Day back and take advantage of that "Indian summer" Didn't always seem that It was always too hot to sit in class those weeks anyway? OK we toyed with the Idea of celebrating Independence Day somewhere right in the middle of the two but we figured there might be some nostalgic patriotic resistance to the idea. Then we decided that we also could use one more summer holiday but we couldn't agree on the best time. We did however all agree that Tuesdays and Wednesdays were terrible days for a day off so we threw all those dates out. We finally devised a plan that would give the odds makers in Vegas happy, a pick out of the hat every New Years live from Times Square for the date of Postal Day (hey, Veterans & labors get a day, why not the much needed Postperson?) I say our country needs a little uncertainty !!!!!

Not bad, but I think we've got enough uncertainty already, like what in the world is "tookassis"?
My sister comments on Cruisin' Classics:

sara i was just reading your website and i am sorry to inform you that we no longer own the cruisin classics tape. i gave it away as a white elephant gift this Christmas. after reading that i definitely feel awful for doing that and all i can say is that i hope the new owner has not thrown it away, but at least listened to it a time or two. also that tape didn't jsut run a little while in my room, that was all i listened to from the ages of 6 to 9.

Latest news from Boomer in Byron Center:

I found out that I actually enjoy planting flowers yup can't believe it myself but on wednesday I bought two "flats" of flowers and preceeded to arrage them in my new flower bed. At first I thought this would be just another task to check off the spring list. But to my surprise I found myself enjoying the planting ,raking and pruning so much that I even told mom that I would skip dinner !!!! I got a phone call and although I was talking to them my mind wasn't even fully concentrating on the caller but I was staring at the flowers. They were like calling Plant Me! Plant me ! It was at the end of a phone call when I ended "well I gotta go I'm planting flowers and I have hair appointment in an hour " when I stopped and said to myself I think I better go get some chew and scrach or something and how about those Cubs?

Keep smiling, your bud Boom
Well what do you know? Someone from the community of Byron Center, MI managed to find his way to one of these new-fangled "kompooters" and got on "that-thar Inner-net". He immediately honed in on my review of Pete's Tavern in Byron Center. He writes:

You know sara thed 1st thing I came to on your site was a slam on PETE'S ....... ouch I now we're not as high class as those Butler high faloot'in establishments but to say we stink well thats just low . On behalf Byronites and Pete's place affectionotoes around the globe we demand an apollogy!!!!!

The email was unsigned, but I have traced it to one Jason "Boomer" Boomsma. So this is the thanks I get for publishing his words of wisdom.

That's it, Boom. Look out. I'm coming for ya. Soon. Very soon.
E-mail of the day (a synopsis of my little sister's first conference game playing varsity softball as a freshman):

we won last night! the score was 4-1. i got my first hit (a double) my first strikeout, and my first RBI of the season. it was a pretty good game for me. i wasn't 100% happy with myself in the field, but i started again at shortstop and played the whole game...i even have battle wounds from the game. b/c there was this pop fly in the infield and i dove for it, and scraped up my arm on the gravel and got a butt load of dirt down my pants, i didn't catch it, but i probably looked kinda cool when i did it.

Congrats, Abby! I've been trying to look cool for years. At least somebody in the family is finally succeeding.
E-mail quote of the day:

GET IN MY BELLY....reminds me of james....i miss him...he was fun....even if he did shave his legs.


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